Since 1971, Winchester ABC has graduated approximately 100 scholars who have continued their education at top colleges and universities.

A Better Chance (ABC) is a national non-profit that identifies, recruits, and refers qualified, highly-motivated students to outstanding secondary schools, both public and private, which provide scholarships to these students so that they may excel in college and eventually go on to assume positions of leadership and responsibility.

Winchester A Better Chance (ABC) is one of 21 community school programs (CSP) that partners with A Better Chance. We admit students who we believe are most likely to benefit from the educational, cultural and social opportunities offered by our unique program. Winchester ABC provides a dedicated and supervised home for scholars to live in while they attend Winchester High School and complete the program.

Our program is fully funded by generous donations from our supportive community, allowing scholars to attend without a financial burden.

Winchester ABC — Since 1971

Winchester ABC — Since 1971

Winchester family ties last a lifetime

Winchester family ties last a lifetime

Winchester ABC Scholars meet with former Governor of Massachusetts, & ABC Alumn, Deval Patrick

Winchester ABC Scholars meet with former Governor of Massachusetts, & ABC Alumn, Deval Patrick